Hands Off Updating Docker Containers

In this article I want to paste a code snippet which is checking it’s filtered subfolders for docker-compose files and pulls and ups automagically.

Here it is!


# our docker base folder
# folders to exclude from udpate
DIRS_TO_EXCLUDE=("code" "snacklish" "nginx-proxy" "psono")
# docker-compose binary location
DC=$(which docker-compose)

for D in *; do
    # if is directory and not excluded
    if ([ -d "${D}" ] && [[ ! " ${DIRS_TO_EXCLUDE[@]} " =~ " ${D} " ]]); then
        cd ${D}
        echo "I am in $(pwd)"
        if [ -f "./docker-compose.yaml" ]; then
            echo "I found a docker-compose.yaml, updating ..."
            ${DC} pull && ${DC} up -d && cd ..
            echo "No docker-compose.yaml found, stepping back"
            cd ..

Oriented on Selenium acceptance tests, I have designed the output to be as readable and as debuggable as possible.

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Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology is a system for monitoring and recognizing errors of storage media like Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) and Solid State Disks (SSD).

All HDDs and SSDs (refered to as HDD in the following) have SMART functionality while some external drive cases do NOT support reading SMART values from the HDD directly.

Since SMART is not a standardised procedure or well-defined value collection, these values differ greatly between manufacturers and might indicate death for some hard drives while others do not even show or update said values.

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Funny It Job Titles I Might Deserve

Here are some funny IT job titles which I might deserve, working as a “Junior Backend Developer”:

  • DevOps Engineer
  • Technical Digital Analytics Consultant
  • Internetprogrammierer (german)
  • Penetration Tester, Integration Tester
  • System Engineer, System Administrator
  • Backend Developer, Frontend Developer, Full-Stack Developer
  • IT-Data Architect
  • Database Engineer / Developer
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • IT-Auditor
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • IT-Systemintegrator
  • Systemengineer
  • SEO & Analytics Manager
  • Marketing Data Analyst
  • Business Analyst
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Having a Look at Flutter


Flutter is a UI toolkit (made by Google) for building natively compiled Android, iOS, web and desktop apps while using a single codebase.

It’s used and developed in dart and requires XCode (an aPpLe computer… -,-) and Android Studio as well as according SDKs.


As a web developer I am interested in mobile usage of websites as well as webapps and I want to go some steps further and develop native apps for the currently dominating operating systems Android and iOS.

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